Essential Nutrients All Women Need

Essential Nutrients All Women Need

Essential Nutrients All Women Need

A woman’s body requires specific nutrients in order for it to keep up with the many changes it goes through in one lifetime. Here are some essentials that women of all ages should be taking daily.


As you reach menopause, your risk of developing osteoporosis increases. To help lower the risk, women need to get about 1,000 mg of calcium daily. More mature ladies aged 50 years old and above should aim for 1,200 mg each day. Dairy products and leafy vegetables are excellent sources of this nutrient.

 Essential Nutrients All Women Need


Getting enough fiber each day helps to lower cholesterol, and aids in digestion. This is especially important during menopause, when issues like constipation and high cholesterol typically sets in. On average, women should be getting around 25 grams of fiber a day from foods like whole grains and vegetables.

Folic Acid

One of the most important nutrients to take before and during pregnancy, folic acid is necessary for cell development, and to help prevent birth defects in babies. It's recommended you take get 400 mg of folic acid a day, even if you aren't pregnant, while pregnant women need double that amount. This is naturally found in foods like spinach and beans.


Women need 18 mg of iron each day to help fight against iron deficiency and anemia. During pregnancy, the daily iron requirement increases to 27 mg. Women 51 years old above, on the other hand, only need 8 mg of iron. The best natural sources of this nutrient are lean meats and seafood, nuts and beans.


To keep muscles strong and healthy, and help with sleep as well, women should be taking about 320 mg of magnesium each day. Eating avocadoes and dark chocolates are only a few delicious ways to increase magnesium in your daily diet.

Essential Nutrients All Women Need

Vitamin E

Its antioxidant properties make Vitamin E a women’s powerful ally against diseases like cancer and heart disease. It also helps in the management of hot flashes during menopause. 15 mg of Vitamin E is the ideal amount to be taken daily, and this can be derived from green vegetables like broccoli, and an assortment of fruits.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D works together with calcium to help keep bones strong, and lower the risk of osteoporosis. Some excellent sources of this nutrient are fish oils, egg yolks and sunlight. Women should strive to get a healthy dose of 600 IU of Vitamin D daily.
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