Organic vs. Regular Cola, Which Is Better?

Organic vs. Regular Cola, Which Is Better?

Organic vs. Regular Cola, Which Is Better?

The media saturates us with advertisements for various flavored and colored drinks. Soft drinks have become a staple in family gatherings. But of course, intaking frequent and numerous servings of sugary beverages has been shown to trigger diseases such as diabetes, obesity, gout, and heart attacks. According to this Harvard article, consuming a can or two of soda every day is enough to trigger the diseases above. People often know that drinking sugary beverages can lead to diabetes, but did you know the most common effect to commercial cola drinkers is Type 2 diabetes?...which can lead to other complications such as kidney and eye disease.

And in case you didn’t know, drinking commercial sodas also weakens your bones. Commercial soda drinks contain a lot of phosphate, which weakens the health of the bones. They also contain no calcium that could help counteract this effect.

If you think you just need a little pick-me-up that comes with drinking sugary beverages, the good news is that there are a lot of alternatives to drinking commercial sodas! One option is to drink organic cola, which does not contain artificial flavoring and coloring that are found in regular sodas. Brands such as StrangeLove are pioneers in the revolution going on in the soda industry. StrangeLove is an Australian brand that specialize in making artisan adult drinks and sodas from quality local products. Currently, they serve six flavors of organic cola in the Raw Bites e-Grocery: Ginger Beer, Smoked Cola, Lemon Squeeze, Blood Orange & Chili, Bitter Grapefruit, and Classic Cola. StrangeLove also mixes them into their drinks like in this recipe, using the StrangeLove Bitter Grapefruit.

Organic vs. Regular Cola, Which Is Better?

If you’re a crafty person, you could also make your own organic soda like StrangeLove! Made with natural ingredients, the health benefits of the herbs and spices are included in the end product. Spices and herbs such as ginger, anise, hops, or licorice root can be used in making organic cola. Yeast, another ingredient in organic cola, contains B-complex vitamins that your body needs. The best part? Organic cola (when made right) has less amount of sugar in it than commercial colas.

Of course, the best way to stay healthy is to drink lots of H2O. Water is always the best drink for you, but what is life without alternatives, right?

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