To Kondo or Not?

To Kondo or Not?

To Kondo or Not?

The KonMari method of tidying up has changed the lives of so many, and yet countless others also feel that its extreme decluttering principles aren’t for them. If you are considering giving this controversial cleanup method a try, here are a few questions you should ask yourself first.

Do you have the time for this?

The KonMari method of decluttering is a huge project to take on. Marie Kondo, who came up with this method says that tidying up should be a one-time process, and usually takes about 6 to 12 months to complete. If you do choose to tidy up using this method, you need to commit a lot of your time and effort to it.

Are your housemates willing to get onboard?

If you live alone and are completely in control of the things that go in and out of your home, then you don’t have a problem. However, the process of decluttering becomes complicated when there are others involved. Unless your family members or housemates are open to the idea of this change in the same way you are, you may want to consider a less radical method of cleaning up.

Are you ready to let go of a lot of things all at once?

The KonMari method will only work if you complete the process of discarding first. This includes everything from clothes you no longer use to books, and photos, mementos and knickknacks. It may be easy to discard old clothes and even books you no longer read, but having to let go of sentimental items is a whole other story. Decide if you are ready before you proceed.

To Kondo or Not?

Do you have an open mind?

As you clean out your home KonMari-style, you will need to touch your belongings and decide if they spark joy. Marie Kondo also believes in treating your things as if they are alive, showing them respect, and even thanking your belongings for the things they do for you. While you are not necessarily obligated to live by the same ideals, you will encounter these principles as you study her method. The choice to employ them is yours.

Can you keep it up?

When you KonMari, you don’t just declutter your home, but your entire life. Know that this entails huge shift in your lifestyle and perspective. If this is something you are ready for, then go ahead and get started.

To Kondo or Not?

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