Protein and Post-Workout Recovery

Protein and Post-Workout Recovery

Getting the right amounts of protein is essential in muscle recovery after exercise. Most people think that carbs are the way to go, but that's no excuse to binge on a burger, soda, and fries after the gym. If we want our bodies to function properly and help us in maintaining a healthy weight and level of mental clarity, we need to understand how protein really works.

Protein and Post-Workout Recovery

Why protein matters

The most important thing after anything like exercise is to replenish your body with the right nutrients so that it can recover. Aside from drinking a lot of water, all doctors, coaches and health practitioners will tell you that taking in the right amounts of protein will allow your body to get into muscle building and repair mode. This is because during a workout, your muscles are worked to their limits, which help your body begin to warm itself up.

After a workout, the muscles are ready to begin a repair process that transforms the amino acids (the basic building blocks of protein) into new muscle tissue. That's why immediately following a workout, it is good to consume a small amount of high-quality protein — around 15-20 grams — to maximize your muscle work. Some good post-workout proteins are beans & rice, or some hi-oleic peanut butter on a whole-grain, gluten-free bread.

Where to get your healthy protein

Not all proteins are created equal. After a workout, it's best to get your protein boost from whole foods, and when needed, from high-quality supplements like whey protein powders. 

Animal protein: Avoid going from animal proteins that are too salty. We suggest, if ever you are going to use animal protein to replenish, go for lean meats and good fats. For example, a portion-sized burger made of free-range, grass-fed beef (no bigger than a deck of cards) with some ricotta cheese and a colorful salad is a great way to end a strength & weights workout. 

Protein and Post-Workout Recovery

Plant protein: You can make a large batch of lentil stew or chickpea stew and freeze them in portions, then serve them over adlai or quinao, after a workout. (Try to avoid brown or white rice. If you must have rice, have red or black variants). All sorts of beans and legumes are excellent sources of plant protein. 

Protein and Post-Workout Recovery

(Tip: In our range of products, we suggest spreading some Pic's Peanut Butter on a Rude Health Oaty, for a post workout snack.)

Raw Bites Recommends: Bounce Balls

Protein and Post-Workout Recovery

While we've talked about protein being a good post-workout food, there is a protein-packed snack you can take before you sweat it out. We're talking about Bounce Balls: a tasty, gluten-free protein "ball" made from premium ingredients. Highly nutritious, thanks to the nuts, seeds and plant proteins in each dose, they are great for an energy boost and a protein hit. We recommend consuming these tasty treats before your workout, due to their natural sugar content. Our bodies need a bit of sugar for energy and a mind boost pre-workout, so good, natural sugar-based snacks have a unique role in fueling your exercise. Get your Bounce Balls exclusively in your Raw Bites Box. Order yours today!

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