
Meditation and Millennial

Meditation and Millennial

We millennials have fascinated the world, overtaken social media, and have influenced the way we look at trends, work, creativity and innovation. Deemed the largest living generation, a lot of what we say, think and do has become (and is)...

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Detox Series, Part 2: The Fridge

Detox Series, Part 2: The Fridge

Welcome to this Detox Series, where we give you tips on how to cleanse your home from harmful chemicals and conditions, so that you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle. What makes your fridge toxic? Anything that isn’t good for our...

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Stretching for a flexible you

Stretching for a flexible you

Daily stretching is a habit that can really improve your life, bit by bit. If you’re one of those people who believe they can’t squeeze in a workout in their day, at least focus on your flexibility. Stretching is as...

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Detox or not: Make the decision

Detox or not: Make the decision

“Detox” is such a trendy word these days, isn’t it? We’ve all probably gone on some kind of detox, whether it’s from technology, too much social media, unhealthy food, and (let’s be honest) from toxic people. But let’s talk about...

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Daily positive affirmations

Daily positive affirmations

“Stay positive!” We see this message emblazoned on Facebook memes and Instagram quotes everywhere. It’s the running theme of almost every self-development book, every other life coach on the web. These and other positive affirmations are (or can be) powerful...

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Detox Series, Part 1: The Kitchen

Detox Series, Part 1: The Kitchen

Your kitchen will not only be toxin-free, you will also be making the air you breathe cleaner and healthier for yourself, once you eliminate the chemicals that cause toxic fumes. Plus, you’ll be assured you are preparing your food in a clean, wholesome environment.

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Exercising for your lifestyle

Exercising for your lifestyle

We’ve been drilled with the fact since we were kids: Exercise is important; everyone needs to exercise. We get it, but why do many of us create excuses for it? Well, for a variety of reasons, but for each reason, there is an even bigger reason to exercise.

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Add more greens to your daily meals

Add more greens to your daily meals

The easiest way to create a balance in your diet is to consume more leafy greens on a daily basis. Green vegetables and produce are the most accessible kind of superfoods that our bodies need, giving us the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients our bodies need.

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