
Why choose organic tea - feat. Jones Tea

Why choose organic tea - feat. Jones Tea

Everyone knows that there are coffee drinkers and then there are tea lovers. It’s like apples to oranges - one is not necessarily better than the other. We’ve featured a lot of coffee-based products in our boxes and e-Grocery, so...

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What’s In Our March Box?

What’s In Our March Box?

We’re bidding Love Month goodbye, and saying hello to the start of summer weather with our March Raw Bites box. Get ready for that summer bod with these super healthy snacks that will keep you full and energized throughout the...

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Your Valentine’s Day Gift ft. Doisy & Dam

Your Valentine’s Day Gift ft. Doisy & Dam

We think most of the world’s population loves chocolate. This is why we try to find the best healthy chocolate brands on the planet to include in your Raw Bites subscription boxes and our e-Grocery. We’ve featured a lot of...

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Cold Brew Coffee on-the-go, anyone?

Cold Brew Coffee on-the-go, anyone?

Raise your mug if you’re a coffee lover! In the ten months we’ve been working on Raw Bites, caffeine-based products have made their way in and out of your subscription boxes and the e-Grocery. And this month, we’re bringing some...

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What’s Inside Our February Box?

What’s Inside Our February Box?

February may be the month of love, and whether you’re in a committed relationship or spending the holiday single, you should show yourself some self-love. While we often have ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily...

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From Your Valentine, Raw Bites

From Your Valentine, Raw Bites

Valentine’s Day has been a tradition for over several centuries, but it was not always associated with love and romance. Ancient Roman tradition celebrated a pagan festival called Lupercalia that centered on the birth of their founders, Remus and Romulus....

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Sneak Peek to 2018

Sneak Peek to 2018

Hello 2018! We’ve been hustling so hard to make sure this new year will bring you more snack options and freebies with every Raw Bites Box. In fact, we have so much to tell you that we have to separate...

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A New Year, A New You

A New Year, A New You

We’re heading straight into the new year and it’s high time for us to whip up a list of New Year’s resolutions that we aspire to achieve throughout the entire year (or at least, the next several months). Some of...

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